Privacy Policy

Globalive Media Corp. Privacy Policy

Effective Date: [Aug 6, 2024]
Last Updated: [Aug 6, 2024]

Your privacy is important to us. We are committed to protecting and ensuring the confidentiality of any Personal Information you provide to us.

This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) addresses how Globalive Media Corp. and its affiliates (“we,” “our,” “Globalive”) handles information we gather from third parties including, but not limited to, visitors to and (the “website”) and users of the Globalive Services (“Users”). This Privacy Policy describes the ways we collect, use and share Personal Information. Our Privacy Policy applies whenever you visit the website or use the Services.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully. By using our website, or otherwise providing us with your Personal Information, you are hereby consenting to Globalive’s collection, use, disclosure and communication of your Personal Information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

If you do not consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy, you may not continue to use our website.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy,

“Personal Information” means any information that relates to you and either identifies you directly or could be used to identify you with other information available. It includes your name, user ID, email address, phone number, mailing address and payment account number.

“Services” means Globalive’s production and distribution of content focused on business, technology and innovation.

Questions regarding this statement should be emailed to our Administration Manager at or mailed to 48 Yonge Street, Suite 1200 Toronto, Ontario M5E 1G6, Canada.

Not Intended for Children

Globalive’s website and Services are not intended for children under the age of 18. We do not knowingly collect data relating to children. If you are under the age of 18, do not use or provide information on this website. If you are aware of information about children provided to Globalive, please let us know and we will take steps to remove the information.



We Collect a variety of Personal Information from visitors and Users, depending on how they interact with our website or Services. This includes:

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We Use this information for the following purposes,

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We Share Personal Information with the following entities as necessary to provide the Services.

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We Protect your Personal Information with industry-standard administrative, technical, organizational, and physical security measures. These measures include firewalls, SSL encryption, limiting storage of financial information to a PCI compliant third party provider, system redundancies, and co-location in a 24/7 secured, controlled environment.

However, perfect security does not exist, and we cannot guarantee the absolute security of your Personal Information.Some Personal Information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries outside of Canada. If you live in Quebec, your personal data may be communicated to entities outside of Quebec. Accordingly, may be accessible to courts, law enforcement and national security authorities of those countries. If you have any questions or wish to obtain further written information about the processing and storage of your personal information by affiliates or service providers outside of Canada, please contact our Administration Manager  at

Learn more.

Agreement to Terms by Using this Website

Please read this Privacy Policy so that you are aware of how and why we use your Personal Information. When you use this website, you consent to have your personal information collected, used, disclosed and communicated in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy may change from time to time, as reflected in the revision date above, to reflect changing legal, regulatory or operational requirements. Where required by law, Globalive will provide at least 30 days’ notice prior to any new terms taking effect, which will set out the text of the amended clause of this Privacy Policy and the date the changes will come into force. You will then have a further 30 days after such entry into force to cease your use of the services. Where appropriate, we may also email Users who have opted to receive communications from us notifying them of changes to this Privacy Policy. If we are required by applicable data protection laws to obtain your consent to any material changes to this Privacy Policy, then we will do so before such changes take effect.

Your use of this Site after such date constitutes your agreement to those changes. Accordingly, you agree to periodically review this Privacy Policy when accessing or using the Site.

Website Use Terms and Disclaimers

By using this website, startups and investors acknowledge that they are solely responsible for the content they upload. The platform, its owners, and its operators shall not be liable for any inaccuracies, errors, or omissions in the content provided by users. Startups and investors agree to indemnify and hold harmless the website and its affiliates from any claims, damages, liabilities, or losses arising from the content they submit.

The appearance of any startup, investor, or content on this website does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the website or its affiliates. The website provides a platform for information exchange and networking and does not guarantee the success, quality, or reliability of any startup, investment, or opportunity featured. Users are advised to conduct their own due diligence and make independent decisions when engaging with any parties or content presented on this website.

All information, statements, or claims made by guests, interviewees, startups or investors on this website were accurate and complete to the best of their knowledge at the time of filming or recording. However, the website does not warrant or represent that the information will remain accurate or complete over time. Users are encouraged to verify the accuracy and currency of any information before relying on it for decision-making or investment purposes.

By uploading content to this website, users grant the website a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, and worldwide license to use, display, reproduce, and distribute the content for promotional, educational, or commercial purposes. Users affirm that they have the necessary rights and permissions to grant this license and that their content does not infringe upon any third-party rights.

Third Party Links

This website may contain links to third party websites, plug-ins and applications. Clicking those links or enabling those connections may allow third parties to collect or share data about you. We do not control these third party websites, plug-ins and applications and are not responsible for their privacy statements and practices. When you leave our website, we encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

How we Collect and Use Your Data

Information Gathered

We may collect, store, use, communicate and transfer different kinds of Personal Information about you, as described below:

Contact and Billing Information. You may provide us with your contact information such as name, email address and company name and, when applicable, billing information such as billing address and a debit/credit card number, or bank account number, and order form information when you choose to get in touch with us, subscribe to our newsletter or choose to donate. We may also ask visitors or Users for additional Personal Information such as their professional background, technical expertise and plans for using the Services. Users and visitors can choose not to provide this additional information by not entering it when asked or by contacting us directly through one of the means noted in the introduction above.

Log Data and Activity Tracking: Globalive collects certain information automatically from visitors and Users of the Services, such as internet protocol (IP) addresses and associated geolocation data, browser types, referring domains, timestamps (time a page was accessed as well as time spent on each web page), as well as the specific pages the visitor has requested.

Cookies. We collect certain information automatically using cookies and similar technologies, including information from third parties. The information we collect using cookies includes your browser details, preferences, privacy settings, location, and device information.

User Data: We store and process User data in the context of providing the Services, which may include login data, browser type and version, location, operating system, and similar information, as well as User content uploaded to or created on the Services, and any Personal Information provided, inadvertently or not, to Globalive through use of the Services.

Marketing and Communications: We collect, store, and process information that you provide to us when you communicate with us, including when you email or call us. We also store and process your preferences in receiving marketing materials from us and your communication preferences.

Other. We also collect and use certain aggregate data, which has been anonymized, such as statistical data regarding use of our Services, for lawful purposes. For example, we may aggregate data to calculate the percentage of Users accessing specific website features. As noted above, this type of data is not considered “Personal Information” subject to privacy laws because it cannot be used to identify a particular person.

We avoid collecting any of the following sensitive categories of Personal Information about you: information regarding your race or ethnicity, religious or philosophical beliefs, sex life, sexual orientation, political opinions, health, genetic or biometric data.

Information Use

We will only use your Personal Information when the law allows us to and as described below.

Providing Globalive’s Services and Services Communications. Users of Globalive’s Services have a more specific relationship with us. User registration information may be used to share updates regarding the Services and for announcements, feedback requests, security updates, support, and other services communications and promotions made available by Globalive.

Data Management and Support. Globalive stores and processes User content only on behalf of, and as instructed by, its Users. However, User content may be viewed or accessed by Globalive for the purpose of resolving a problem or support issue. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of their user registration and password.

Improvements. We also use visitor and User Personal Information to help deliver a better experience (for example, by displaying personalized content to you based on your interactions with the website), to diagnose technical problems, to support marketing activities and so that we may better administer and improve the quality of both the website and the Services.

Marketing and Promotions. Globalive uses the information listed in the section above to contact Users and visitors to further discuss their interest in the website and the Services, or to send Users and visitors information regarding Globalive or its partners, such as information about new features, events and to keep Users up to date on the latest innovations and published content. Any such communications will be sent in accordance with Users’ and visitors’ marketing preferences and consent choices. We may also email Users with service-related information concerning the Services or the website to the extent allowed by law and in light of the commercial relationship between us. You may opt out of receiving marketing materials at any time by following the unsubscribe instructions included in each marketing communication.

Billing Coordination. All financial and billing information collected through the website is used solely to check the qualifications of prospective Users and to process donations. This billing information is not used by Globalive for marketing or promotional purposes.

To Enforce Compliance with Our Policies. Globalive may access User Data and certain visitor information if necessary to investigate a suspected violation of the policies for the use of the Services.

To Maintain Legal or Regulatory Compliance. Our Services are subject to certain laws and regulations which may require us to use your Personal Information. For example, we use your Personal Information to pay our taxes, to fulfill our business obligations, and as otherwise required by law. Without using your Personal Information for such purposes, we could not perform the Services in accordance with our legal and regulatory requirements.

How we Share Your Data

Sharing of Information

Globalive will not copy, distribute, or otherwise share any User or visitor Personal Information except as set out in this Privacy Policy. Globalive may share or communicate Users’ and visitors’ Personal Information in the following ways:

Data Location and Data Transfers

Visitors’ and Users’ Personal Information may be transferred to, and processed in, countries outside of Canada. If you live in Quebec, your personal data may be communicated to entities outside of Quebec. Specifically, Globalive’s website and Services are hosted on servers located in the United States. Our group companies and third party service providers and partners may operate around the world, including in the United States. This means that when Globalive collects visitors’ and Users’ Personal Information, such information may be processed in any of these countries, and accordingly, may be accessible to courts, law enforcement and national security authorities of those countries.

If you are located in Alberta, Canada and have any questions about the processing or storage of personal information by service providers outside Canada for or on behalf of Globalive or wish to obtain access to further written information about our policies and practices with respect to service providers or affiliates outside of Canada, please contact our Administration Manager at

How we Protect and Manage Your Data


Globalive uses appropriate administrative, technical, organizational, and physical security measures to protect our Users’ and visitors’ Personal Information against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, and alteration, and against unauthorized disclosure, communication and access. We use standard industry practices to protect visitors’ and Users’ Personal Information, including firewalls, SSL encryption, limiting storage of financial information to a PCI compliant third party provider, system redundancies, and co-location in a 24/7 secured, controlled environment.

We have procedures in place to address any suspected personal data breach and will notify you and any applicable regulator of a breach as required by law.

Data Retention

We retain Personal Information we collect from you where we have an ongoing legitimate business need to do so (for example, to provide you with the Services you have requested, to comply with applicable legal, contractual, tax or accounting requirements, or to defend ourselves from possible legal actions). When we have no ongoing legitimate business need to process your Personal Information, we will destroy it or anonymize it in accordance with applicable laws.

Your Choices to Control Your Data

Your Data Protection Rights

You can exercise any one of the following data protection rights as may be available to you under applicable law by contacting us at In certain jurisdictions, we may need to verify your identity before responding to your request. Depending on your jurisdiction, you may have the following data protection rights:


In order to exercise your data protection rights or should you have any questions, concerns or complaint regarding our Privacy Policy or the collection or processing of your Personal Information, you may email our Administration Manager at