Episode 7: Creating AI Giants

[#TheAiEdge] 11.Aug.2021

Guests: Steve Irvine, Founder & CEO, Integrate.ai; Derrick Fung, CEO, Drop & Cardify; Allen Lau, Co-Founder & CEO, Wattpad and Chris Albinson, CEO & President, Communitech.

Canada may be a global leader in artificial intelligence research, but when it comes to commercializing and scaling, the country has lagged its peers. That’s changing now. Big names are betting on Canada’s tech talent and with the groundwork already in place, the AI giants may be just around the corner.

In this episode of #TheAiEdge find out why it’s time to bet on Canada when Michael Bancroft speaks with leaders from Integrate.ai, Drop, Wattpad and Communitech.

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